24/7 Emergency Response
Fire Shower Combo Service
Fully equipped for the safety of all personnel
Due to the volatility and corrosive characteristics of many fluids being pumped in the oil patch today, Firemaster has built combination units which are fully equipped for the safety of all personnel on location. These units are a combination of a complete fire truck and shower unit. The firefighting equipment and shower facilities are two separate compartments and the shower facilities contain a first aid recovery station.

Unit Specifications
We will supply you with a Combination Unit which includes shower, twin agent and continuous foam capabilities and comes fully equipped with the following:
- 4,000 litres fresh water
- 4 eye wash stations
- 4 mid stations
- 4 over head showers, wetsuits, goggles and on board recovery bed
- 682 kilograms Purple K
- 1,362 litres Alcohol type concentrate premix foam
- Disharged by N2
- 725 liters alcohol type concentrate
- Hydraulic driven 2m3/ minute Waterous Pump
- 2-2 1/2″ pump outlets
- 2-1 1/2″ pump outlets
- 1-4″ suction
This Combination Unit has been designed to meet OH&S and BC WCB standards. This unit also comes with a diesel powered chassis (equipped with auto air shutdown), burn kit, first aid kit, two Scott air packs and two fully trained and qualified operators.
fire truck and shower unit
Please note that the fire equipment and shower equipment are housed separately and the shower water supply is not used for firefighting purposes.